My last official outing in Old Town was trivia night at Murphy's, a weekly tradition for me for more than a year. In honor of my departure, my friend Eric named our team Kim's Krusaders, and my friend Cory suggested that I should be the person to answer the final tie-breaker question. Normally, I would feel pressured by this responsibility, but I accepted because I was two Guinnesses in and I didn't think we had a shot in hell to win. Here was the question: According to some poll in 1985, what percentage of women would prefer cuddling over having sex? In my reasoning, this was the era of the power suits, worn by women who were kicking through the glass ceiling; they didn't need no stinkin' cuddling. I guessed 42 percent. As you can surely infer, I lost us first place -- and some Nationals tickets that would've served me well on my last night in Alexandria, when the only thing not in a box was my dog -- by a 30 percentage point margin; as it turns out, 72 percent of women with shoulder pads still wanted to snuggle instead of get down to business. Incidentally, when I shared this story with Tim, he initially asked for clarification: "So it's one or the other, right? The question isn't what percentage of women want to cuddle AFTER sex, right?" When I verified this information, he guessed 46 percent. And that, my friends, is why we have been together for more than four years.
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